
Weddings Q&A

Weddings are the most common sacraments non-members ask us to perform and we welcome these opportunities. For additional information, please contact the parish office. Phone: 914-698-0300 ext. 10 or send and email.

  • Can anyone get married at St. Thomas?

    At least one member of the couple should be a baptized Christian (not necessarily Episcopalian).

  • Can I get married here at short notice?

    In order to assure availability of the church and its clergy, all weddings should be scheduled with the parish at least six months in advance of the desired date. In other circumstances, please contact a member of the clergy to discuss your situation.

    Three pre-marital meetings with clergy are required. If either of the couple has been married twice or more already, an outside counselor is required.

  • Can someone other then St. Thomas' clergy officiate?

    A member of the clergy of this parish will normally officiate at weddings held in the church.

  • What are the financial expectations?

    • Use of the church –  No charge to members of St. Thomas; $1000 for non-members (includes services of the Altar Guild and production of the wedding bulletins)

    • Services of the Priest – $1000 for members and non-members.  This includes counseling, ceremony preparations, rehearsal, and wedding service.

    • Services of the Organist – $500 (includes rehearsal) for members and non-members.

    • Additional $250 for instrumental/soloist, if requested.

    • For members of St. Thomas: $50 for the Altar Guild for church preparation; $1.00 per wedding bulletin.

    Please discuss any questions about your financial expectations during the preparations with clergy or contact the parish office.

  • Can I have photographs taken during the service?

    Absolutley! For an additional cost we can also offer streaming and recording via Zoom. We only ask that you don't use a flash during the wedding service, and professional photographers should observe this policy as well. 

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